1·Step 4: Continuous pressure until the feet of the rupture.
2·Single cut, continuous pressure cut, open delay three function.
3·DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY For Low Hazard Cross-connections and continuous pressure applications.
4·DUAL CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER For low hazard cross-connections. Continuous pressure applications.
5·Their development is a gradual process which needs continuous pressure, with the result of progress in ability and duty.
6·The key technique for manufacturing this heat exchanger is the continuous pressure moulding of long plates and welding of thin plates.
7·Objective To investigate the cell dynamic changes of conventional intermittent tissue expansion (CITE) and continuous pressure controlled tissue expansion (CPTE).
8·The shoes can distribute force on front of human feet to each part of feet and prevent part of feet from bearing continuous pressure that can cause inadequate blood flowing.
本发明与已有技术相比,具有能将脚前部所承受的人体重力均匀 分散到脚前部各个部位的、防止脚局部位置承受导致血液流动不畅的持续 的压力的优点。
9·Modern solar sail spacecraft designs, like NanoSail-D or the Japanese interplanetary spacecraft IKAROS, rely on the small but continuous pressure from sunlight itself for thrust.
现代太阳帆航天器的设计,如纳米帆- D或者日本的行星飞船IKAROS,是以很少但是持续的太阳光为推动力。
10·Their research also suggested that multiple brief high-pressure treatments were more effective than one lengthy treatment using continuous pressure for the same total amount of time.